Blog Geocaching Romania

Tuesday the 14th. Cap1: geocache-ul preferat

De ziua lui Eminescu povesteam pe Facebook despre două cutii ca o poezie pentru geocaching-ul românesc: Friday the 13th și Tuesday the 14th. Cele 3 ceasuri rele nu l-au împiedicat pe maestrul kekemes (aka Razvan Balaci) să compună 2 capodopere: prima cutie a fost ca o doină de jale care a pus de drumuri mulți flăcăi oacheși; după 5 ani se naște o a doua ce pare a fi o doină de dor ale cărei versuri se scriu chiar acum. Intrați pe pagina cutiei și contribuiți și voi la scrierea acestor file de poveste – timp de 10 săptămâni vom scrie împreună un nou capitol!

În prima săptămână Răzvan ne-a invitat să povestim despre cutia preferată. Iată ce au spus participanții (în RoEngleza tradițională):

Sharkx:Gotcha: GC3AR7F :))


Kekemes: “Even though I don’t have that many finds, not like you fine gentlemen:) my favorite one is GC27X70 for so many reasons: I found this one a long time ago and back then (and still now) this kind of hide was amazing. I had to team up with Puiutz as usual to make this pop up from its hiding place. We’ve got it all on film, a bus was stopped at the red light near GZ and all people were staring at the two…freaks? 🙂 I will always remember this cache as my favorite find


Iepu09: “My old (all) time favorite cache is… WTF I can’t find it anymore on the map!!!! :-)))
It is the Scuba cache we had in 2012, arranged by Stressz and were we did a team FTF with Szilard. It was my first diving day and after 45 minutes at noon with no success we re-entered at 18.30 for 1h15. I remember getting my oxygen close to 0 when the big orange container popped up in front of my eyes. Was a hell of an adventure, too bad old days are gone and less inventive people are around.
To my surprise I am not able to find its GC code, that’s weird, would look like it never happened which is wrong as we still have our movie on the facebook page :-))


Rotrav: “One more vote for GC27X70 here. Amazing! Glad that this is back in business!


Lukas’: “it’s very difficult to choose the all time favorite cache find. There were a lot of brilliant crafted containers, twist minded puzzles and some great adventures that appeared while searching for caches.
But the request is to choose only one, so I will go with this one: Antique Thought! The idea is marvelous, and the references are outstanding! We did had a lot of fun while retrieving it. Thank you DanAL70!


Biciclaru: “It Is extremely hard to pick “the best of the best” cache… Anyway, I will choose GC43, the oldest cache in Europe. Maybe is just because that I found it recently and I still feel the thrill of that day. Here is the story (with photos): LINK 


DanAL70: “Am mai mult de o mie de amintiri de neprețuit. Am mai mult de o sută de cacheuri favorite.

My BEST FOUND: It went on here, pentru că după asta … lumea nu a mai fost la fel :)))

și nu în ultimul rând:

My BEST NOT FOUND: Discover Scuba Diving, pentru că acolo am găsit granița între voință și neputință ;)))


NYWanderer: “Ahhh I already spent more than half hour going through my favorites list as it wasn’t easy to pick ONE great cache amongst all that I found. I love mysteries and I’ve encountered and was lucky to solve some brilliant ones, some that make my head hurt just looking back at my solving notes and artifacts that I had to generate in the process; I’ve found caches that made me hike in swamps, bushwack on mountain trails that do not exist, or hike abandoned trails into the jungle; multis that kept me going for full days from one clue to another…

But if I am to pick one favorite, perhaps fresher in my memory than some others, it would be GC5A81B. A mystery that almost literally turned me into a character of one of my favorite childhood novels, with physical stages just as exciting as the brainy counterparts.


Vinatorii: “Hm… as a team it was a bit more difficult to decide, but finaly we agreed on Eva’s pick 😉  GC6G4NP , the lovely box made by Squirrel Eve and her students.


Issa Syssa:Our favorite mystery is a field puzzle from Alba-Iulia made by CalinSuteu: Carlsburg – the Trail of the Sun ! We like it because, the journey we had, was to all interesting buildings, with very old history. At every second step of the mystery we have found a very interesting rock, on the rock, the owner writes the coordinates of another treasure that he recommends us to search. Of course, his own caches in the mountains!” 


Civcosmin: “Un letterbox special, o locație specială – GC65F6M.”


CehashuTeam: “GC2NTWD pentru peripețiile prin care am trecut.”


MosIon: “One of my favorite Cache is the first Mystery Cache – the Gold-Bug (, solved without a decoder. It was the hard way, breaking it piece by piece, discovering a different face of Geocaching. It has the “Waw” effect, it kept me tense until I found the box and signed the Log. Unforgettable.

But since I have to choose “the one”, then the credit goes to Flaganography ( This D3.5 mystery haunted me for weeks. I even contacted a bunch of retired CIA code breakers challenging them to point me to the right direction. Finally, when the mist goes away and the solution revealed, it was …. orgasmic. So simple, so tricky and so beautiful. Appreciated not only by me, but by so many unnamed code breakers from the other side of the Ocean.


Dromihete: “GC2WJNG – pentru că îmi plac misterele geekish 🙂


Mioritics:Cutii și experiențe care mi-au plăcut mult sunt destule, însă una parcă e acolo… un pic mai sus decât celelalte: “Murder They Wrote” (GC1ZRHZ). E un mister care mi-a dat de furcă luni întregi, a spart barieră după barieră într-o gândire închistată, a fost acel ceva care m-a făcut să mă îndrăgostesc de geocaching. (Mare păcat că e arhivata seria… poate mouse și salgado vor reactiva măcar cutia originala… la 20 de ani de geocaching in Romania)


Caracula: “Pentru mine, unul din cache-urile care mi-a rămas în minte (pe lângă cele cu tradiție din Romania – vezi Ancient thought) a fost Bitte küssen!. L-am găsit într-o noapte (pe la 00:00), pe o ceață crâncenă și mai că n-a sărit pe mine :). De atunci, ascunderea de cutii a devenit altceva pentru mine…


Hard-Rock: “Well, it is hard to make a choice, but i remember one riddle that i haven’t managed to find, especially due to laziness. but i remember how it started and how excited i was to go trough every step and discover the connections. I am talking about Cireşarii – Vol. 1 – Cavalerii Florii de Cireş. Along this years i am satisfied that i meet nice people, places and hides.


În următorul capitol aflați despre cel mai frumos loc descoperit în timp ce făceam geocaching.