Tuesday the 14th. Cap2: cel mai frumos loc descoperit
După ce în Capitolul 1 aflam despre geocache-ul preferat, în următoarea filă a poveștii noastre (GC6V0N7), kekemes ne-a invitat să descriem cel mai frumos loc descoperit în timp ce făceam geocaching. Uite ce răspunsuri a primit:
Kekemes:”I find this new question a bit more difficult than the first one. But let me see, I’ve cached in 14 countries… hard to pick up just one, but the most beautiful place I’ve seen while searching for a cache has to be the Fig Tree Bay Island, and maybe this is because it was so warm and nice in there, while we struggle with -8 degrees Celsius and brownish frozen snow… GC5A64X. We had to swim a bit to get to the cache and while on the island we searched for a while as we left the phone/GPS at the beach. There are many many more beautiful places I’ve seen and may have never seen if there wasn’t for geocaching, but with this temperature outside and the currend mood GC5A64X has the most beautiful location.”
Vinatorii: “There are several great places we discovered while geocaching, but one example stands out, because we really would not have found out about the place if not for the cache. It was on Evia island in Greece, and all tourist information on the net is about the shore line, but the island also has some impressive mountains. Only there was no info anywhere on the mountain trails, and we would not have wondered with 7 year old Eva without having any idea about the state of the trails or the time involved… But this geocache in Agali Gorges had all the information we needed in the description and finders logs. It also was a rather old cache from 2010, with just a few visitors… So we went with the car as far as we managed, a totally deserted spot, we parked by a very old olive tree and went on walking. It was September, beautiful weather, no human soul in sight all day, just the smell of greek mountain flowers and pines. We wandered through the gorges for about an hour, quite an easy track, and got to a storybook kind of place – with a clear stream running on white stones, and a small stone table and fountain and the cache was hidden besides an incredible looking gigantic old tree. As we sat there snacking and playing beside the stream, a herd of wild mountain goats appeared and passed at a very close distance, on some invisible paths on the very abrupt rock walls, filling the valley with funny, very, very strong goat smell that remained in the air for some time after the goats had left. It was a beautifull unforgettable day, just because of the cache.”
Biciclaru: “Hmm… Another good question! As for the previous one, is very hard to pick my answer. Geocaching led me to many amazing places, so choosing “the most beautiful place” is not an easy task. Anyway, I think that my answer should be GC282A from Petra, Jordan. This cache leads you to a forgotten fortress from Petra area, but the idea is that this fortress is 100% outside the touristic paths. In fact it is pretty complicated to find your way to that peak. The view from GZ rewards all the effort, from there you have a breathtaking view to the entire valley, so you could see most of the amazing places from Petra. Also, there is a special feeling when you realize that you can explore on your own that small forgotten fortress. Simply amazing! Without geocaching we would have never seen that fortress or that amazing view over the entire valley! “
DanAL70: “Oh, oh, oh! Mister NoLongerHangman! You returned with some very hard questions.Mostly 90% of the places where geocaching has brought me up were delightful. Beautiful places. Bihoru, Postavaru or Papusa (Dengheru) peak?
Suncuius Scenery, Sightseeing in Fundata, Fagaras Panorama, [10years]The view or The Grannies and The Sphinx?
Hradna vyhliadka, WienerStaatsoper, Gardens of Versailles, Three London Icons or maybe Castell de Montjuic?
Kartal Waterfalls, Enisala, Biserica Fortificata Rusi-Reussen, Rupea Castle or The Hidden Temple?
George Enescu Museum, Ateneul Roman or Top of Bucharest? I guess there should be only one choice!
Here is mine: Dracula’s Castle “
NYWanderer: “Ahh… again a tough one to narrow down. So I’ll mention 3: An abandoned trail in the middle of Singapore Lost; a man-made rock terrace in an off-trail spot in the mountains in Utah. Amazingly the guy who created this terrace spotted the geocache that was placed there and created his own gc account to tell the story of this great spot: A Terrace with a View; lastly, a cache in Vietnam that took me to an arena where tigers used to fight elephants for entertainment and a nearby elephant temple and cemetery Ho Quyen Arena Ecocache. Amazingly, even my easy-rider motorbike driver who has been living and driving tourists around in the area for years, had never been to this spot (though he had heard of it) before I guided him to take me there. That’s what makes geocaching cool for me! “
Civcosmin: “GC2C521 Pentru priveliștea oferită atât asupra Brașovului, cât și a întregii Țări a Bârsei 🙂 “
Lukas’: “What are you doing here? You are putting us in difficulty, once again! There are so many beautiful places, it’s so hard to choose only one! The beauty of this game is that you can see a lot of not so known beautiful places; thanks Geocaching!
Although the majority of my cache finds are in Romania (1441 from the total of 1654), and our beauties are top notch, I will choose this one: Mount Triglav 2864. This is the highest point in Slovenia, where I had a great adventure and a spectacular view from the top.”
MosIon: “I visited many beautiful places while Caching, but one place stands ahead of the others: Kuramathi Island, a piece of Heaven in Maldives (Kuramathi One).”
Aky9: “Am văzut multe locuri frumoase pe care le-am descoperit în timpul relativ scurt de când am descoperit geocaching-ul dar pentru că ador apusurile am ales GCKT0Q (Jetski). A fost primul webcam cache pe care l-am logat dupa vreo 2 ore de căutări și 3 trasee greșite. Până am găsit camera a și apus soarele 🙂 Un peisaj cu adevarat superb :)”
Rotrav: “Hard to pick just one, but I think that Fonias can be some sort of answer …”
Issa Syssa: “Într-adevăr, greu de ales un cache preferat, dar dintre toate cache-urile căutate de noi, am ales două care ne-au dus la un loc minunat. GC12MGR și GC292JE! Pentru a putea vizita împrejurimile, am rămas campați acolo două zile (și nu am apucat să vizitam tot) dacă în timpul zilei locul ne-a oferit vederi asupra stâncilor, cascadelor și a lacului, noaptea a venit ca cireașa de pe tort oferindu-ne o priveliște cu calea lactee. Nici mocănița Oravița – Anina nu s-a lăsat mai prejos scoțând parcă din Photoshop uimitoare peisaje.”
Hard-Rock: “Care să fie care să fie? Am urcat munți, am văzut orașe cochete, parcuri și păduri, dar parca il țin așa bine minte pe asta: Giola / Eye of Zeus. Un jacuzzi natural aflat pe țărmul insulei Tassos. AWESOME!”
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În următorul capitol aflați despre prima experiență în geocaching.
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