The gift of friendship. The gift of geocaching
— I wrote this one in English out of consideration for my (new) Bulgarian friends —
It was on those Friday evenings when you have tons of work, see that the clock is already showing 6PM and fell that there still is a lot to be done. I remembered all of a sudden that there a geocaching event tonight and I said I do my best to be there. So, I grabbed my backpack in a rush and rode my bike to the meeting place.
(a bit unusual for me) I arrive first so I got the chance to relax a bit and enjoy the atmosphere. In a couple of minutes, the Bulgarian organizers arrived and … we began the party with some local beers. Veli was a nice chat partner (as always). Unfortunately I found out that someone is stealing most of the caches in Sofia – sad story. We moved the discussion to the caches they found on that day: of course they were impressed by the creativity brought in the game by Paul; some other nice caches were mentioned and I was happy that their overall experience was very positive.
More faces appeared, some I did not see before – good sign, local geocachers seemed eager to meet each over. So we all meet the new knights (Arthur and Lancelot) and their lovely ladies. I was very glad to see the young generation plays something else than pokemon go 😉 . We had also the bald wise wizard from the Moshi team, master bricolage, a 13 years old geocaching dinosaur, another young apprentice with high potential (237 fights won against mugglers) and last but not least the unmistakable ToughRock – a valet disguised as a guide.
I had fun. Honestly, I forgot how nice it is to have a chat among friends. If you feel the same as I did, we should organize events more often .. and let’s not forget what brought us tougher: geocaching.